Thousands of promising sales careers have been destroyed around the water cooler or coffee machine before they even had a chance to really get going, but you don’t have to let this happen to your Coeur d’Alene Idaho business sales. The old saying “a rotten apple will spoil the entire barrel” is true, especially in sales. Whatever you want to call it, water cooler talk, a smoke breaks out back, or an informal gathering in the corner of the showroom, be careful of customer-bashing conversations as they will quickly undermine your team’s ability to be an effective persuader and producer.
Take Responsibility for Your CDA Business Sales Force
Customer bashing is common in selling because it is an easy way for poorly trained and performing salespeople to pass their inability on to customers in the form of faults, strange personalities, or general disrespect.
This is dangerous territory because once your staff begin to believe or think about customers in a negative way, it will spread like cancer and it won’t be long until there is something wrong with every prospect. Break the cycle and clean out your sales team to avoid loss of sales in your Idaho business.